Emancipation is the drumbeat which is played throughout all of our work…
We are dreaming collective liberation…
Our work in Project Tallawah is part of a broader emancipatory eco-system. This is life long work which involves learning, making mistakes, evolving and transforming. This is also legacy work, which calls us to draw on fragments of Ancestral memory, while crafting re-imagined futures.
As adrienne maree brown (2019) reminds us:
“How we are at the small scale is how we are at the large scale….what we practice at a small scale can reverberate to the largest scale…”
“We likkle but we Tallawah”. We believe that what we do here, will make a difference beyond our Project Tallawah galaxy. This includes crafting new patterns and practices…creating new cultures including ‘money cultures’.
We trust Black/Global majority women and gender non-conforming people. This includes trusting ourselves, each other, and our evolving relationship to money.
We are not seeking to build ‘wealth’. We are seeking to facilitate the well-being, safety, equity, joy and liberation of Black / global majority women, girls, gender non-conforming people and our broader communities.
Project Tallawah is multidimensional and transformational. This means resourcing our work in ways that centre care, healing, space and sustainable and equitable relationships. This also means that our approach to investing money is emancipatory and ethical. We believe in the interconnectedness of all life. Our commitment to thrivance is not ‘on the back’ of others.
We are grateful to be part of a broader community of organisers who are reconfiguring the funding / resourcing landscape in similar and different ways. We celebrate the beauty of this. We know there is no single ‘right’ path to freedom. We will continue to resist ‘divide and rule’ strategies which feed on competition and fragmentation.
We commit to being in community, in all the joyful, messy, complicated ways that may be required…as we collectively craft liberated futures.

“Tallawah is our invitation to ourselves and others”